Artificial Intelligence according to aHead Research

For us, Artificial Intelligence is anything that allows to operate machines and processes without human intervention.
For aHead Research, Artificial Intelligence is anything that supports decision-making processes, but we also are also expert of each and every technology that belongs to this category. We do not take it easy, when it comes to AI.

Artificial Intelligence is a buzz word that aHead Research interprets by combining several components: Machine Learning, Mathematical Optimization, Modeling and Simulation, and Statistical Analysis:

Artificial Intelligence is Mathematical Optimization

Seeking the best is the philosophy that accompanies each of our activities. We evaluate variables and parameters for each of our choices, and we often seek a mathematical solution for our optimization needs. Experience taught us that optimization is a daily need in the business and productive areas, as it is sought in performance, costs, prices and efficiency. An industrial company might need to optimize production and maintenance of their machinery or reduce the logistics and transportation costs or reduce their emissions, and each goal is considered fundamental. aHead Research offers solutions of mathematical optimization that adapt to the complexity of any problem and invariably guarantee adequate resolution times.

AI is Digital Twin and Simulation

The optimal management of productive processes has become a key activity, due to the existence of increasingly interconnected systems and a global market where efficiency is a necessary criterion of competitiveness. Testing new strategies of management architectures comes to be an expensive activity and may compromise the functioning of the whole system. Realizing a digital twin model offers more sustainable, less impactful opportunities, as it provides a virtual copy that grasps all details of the observed process thanks to advanced simulation and modeling techniques. Within the Decision Intelligence paradigm, the concept of Digital Twin has earned the role of evolutionary step of Simulation, a process in which aHead Research is specialized so that we can support partners and clients through highly optimized solutions that drastically reduce costs.

Artificial Intelligence is Prediction of time-series

In aHead Research, we apply statistical and machine-learning approaches to the quantitative prediction of time series to support complex planning processes, strategic decision-making and predictive maintenance. We provide the client with our extensive experience in analyzing time-dependent factors, tackling the prediction of demand of products/services to support the planning of the production and the distribution of such -i.e., sales during discounts, workforce planning, production planning, stockpile management, logistical nodes sizing, purchase of machinery. Lastly, thanks to deep-learning our team is capable of elaborating advanced strategies of predictive maintenance that involve the simultaneous real-time analysis of hundreds of time signals.

AI is Machine-Learning

In the area of decision-making support, aHead Research combines state-of-the-art machine-learning techniques -neural networks, recurrent networks, convolutional networks, deep learning, clustering, reiforcement learning – with elements of mathematical optimization applicable to heterogeneous industrial contexts. The machine-learning approaches provide a useful tool for every industrial, data-intensive process and whenever goals and limitations of a given decision-making issue and its evolution over time are not defined analytically.